Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Laughter Journey Begins

Today I start taking time to laugh and play every day for my mental, physical and spiritual health. I have been living with the challenges of Multiple Sclerosis since 1997. Over the years, I've experimented with different diets, vitamins, sprituality and exercise. One thing is for sure - they ALL make a difference. The problem is in staying dedicated and making a complete and permanent lifestyle transformation.

Choosing to begin this 1 year journey of laughing on March 13 has its significance. On this day, the first Laughter Club met in a park in Mumbai, India with only 5 members including the founder, Dr. Madan Kataria. So, I am marking this 16th anniversary with a commitment to intentionally laugh each day for 365 days for at least 30 min., to mediate and to live purposefully.

In order to ensure that I spend a sufficient amount of time laughing heartily, I will schedule 30 min. of Laughter Yoga exercises everyday. Hopefully that won't be the only time I laugh that day! Another component to the laughter is to watch comedies on t.v.and funny clips on the internet. I'll filter out the negative or depressing influences from t.v., internet and radio as much as possible. I want to know what is happening in the world, I don't need to make it my constant diet.

This year is also about living purposefully. By that I mean to do those things that I know will bring more joy to myself and others. To take notice and be grateful of the gifts in the world around me. Get out there actively contributing more time to helping others. It's not that I don't ever volunteer, I do, but there is so much more I could be doing.

Nutrition is key in obtaining optimum results in this journey. I have spent periods of time eating a mostly raw food diet (about 80-90%) and I have felt the amazing vibrance you get from eating foods fresh from nature. Even though I know I feel and perform best when eating this way, the SAD (Standard American Diet) keeps creeping back in. Next thing I know, I'm living on pizza and candy and have no drive to do much of anything. Eventually I get back on the right track. It's a vicious cycle.

So here's the story on how this Blog came about. I'm a Laughter Yoga Leader & Teacher who has experienced and knows how euphoric you feel from a session of doing Laughter Yoga. As I mentioned, I also have M.S. The most constant symptoms of my  M.S. are being easily fatigued, heavy and stiff legs and the soles of my feet and palms of my hands tingle. At times those symptoms worsen and/or new symptoms appear temporarily. I know that if I just rest the episode will pass in a day or 2.

A few weeks ago, I had a genuine exacerbation. My legs became numb from the waste down especially in my feet and ankles. My legs were so stiff and heavy I could barely walk. Trying to do any task was exhausting and caused my legs to ache as if I had just walked 20 miles in 4 inch stilettos. After 2 weeks of this exacerbation not showing any signs of easing off, I decided to take action. I was supposed to lead a LY class in a couple days and I doubted that I could physically handle it, plus some days I was so fatigued that it caused me to feel depressed.

I spent the days before my LY class resting and watching a marathon of comedies on t.v. and the internet. I nixed any dramas or news broadcasts. GLEE is fantastic for this since it has singing, dancing and it's very funny. I read all the inspirational messages my LY buddies were posting on facebook.

By the morning of my LY class, I felt extremely joyful, energized and optimistic. My legs were still heavy, stiff and numb, but I now had the strength, enthusiasm and courage to lead my class. I explained to the class that I was having a flare-up of my M.S. and used myself as an example to show them that anyone can have fun with Laughter Yoga. We each do whatever we are comfortable and capable of doing. The class was a big success. I even received  another booking because a couple of the participants had recommended me to their women's group.

Inspired, I continued laughing over the next few days. Each day the numbness in my legs lessened until finally it was gone completely. Once the numbness had left, my legs lightened-up and became far less stiff. All-in-all it took about a week of rest and laughter to calm my inflamed body.

After this experience I decided to firmly commit to something I kept telling myself I should do. By starting this Blog, I am signing a contract. I will keep track of my progress here and talk about what's been happening and how I'm feeling.

Laughter Yoga 30 min.
Meditation 20 min.                                         

Each day for 365 days I will  
Laugh ~ Eat Healthy ~ Choose to be Grateful ~
Live Purposefully


  1. YEAH! Mandie, you are such an inspiration! Looking forward to tagging along on your bloggy journey. Here's a hearty dose of gratitude headed your way... I'm grateful for YOU!! You are amazing! Much love, Anne

  2. Congratulations, Mandie. This is a huge commitment and I know you can do it. I can't wait to see how your life gets even better as you laugh, laugh, laugh! :)
